Archive (2016-2022)

Get to know the people behind the puppets

29 June, 2017

Ahead of our upcoming production, we’d love to introduce you to some of The Arrival performers. They represent the scope of involvement and of how Spare Parts cultivates the Western Australian artistic community. By employing over 50 artists across a cumulative 90 weeks of employment each year (or, just about 2 paid opportunities for WA artists every week of the year!). Spare Parts Puppet Theatre is a leading puppetry training and development provider with global connections.


Through early career development like our FirstHand training and mentorship program, or Australia’s only tertiary unit in Puppetry in partnership with WAAPA, through to our Company Associates Program, Spare Parts has a commitment to supporting and encouraging artists throughout their careers: emerging, mid-career and established. In addition to these programs, Spare Parts offers paid employment opportunities through in-theatre seasons, touring programs, School of Puppetry, and festival and event presentations including contracts for performers, designers, writers, puppet makers and other creatives.


Now, sit back, read on and hear about migration, the difference between Singapore and Perth, inspiring theatre makers, and how to become a performer from the inspiring people on stage in The Arrival!


Meet Adrienne Patterson 

Meet Ellis Pearson 

Meet Shirley Van Sanden