Archive (2016-2022)

Arts Improves Lives

14 February, 2017

The Chamber of Arts and Culture – Western Australia have recently kicked off their campaign Arts Improves Lives. Over the coming weeks stories will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the Chamber website, all of which highlight the extensive value of Western Australia’s arts and culture sector. The stories will be showcasing the positive contributions that the creative sector has to health, education, community engagement and the economy.

As stated by the Chamber of Arts and Culture “in the count down to the State election, we will be sharing stories with you from a variety of arts organisations and individual artists working in WA, as well as unique projects, that have had a positive impact within the WA community. Funding for arts and culture has steadily decreased over the past decade and the ability of these organisations, individuals and programs to continue to deliver positive outcomes for WA communities at risk”.

Today they shared our story at Spare Parts and the work we are doing with our FirstHand Emergent Puppetry Artist Program. Arts improves lives and we would love everyone to help spread the word!

Join us in following the campaign and help share the message.

To read more and to find our how to get involved click the link:

#ArtsImprovesLives #WAElection #wapol #VoteArts
